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SHRM Total Rewards Specialty Credential

The number of jobs greatly outweighs the amount of qualified talent to fill them. Workers today are negotiating for more than just a competitive salary. Plus, every compensation plan has a limit. So, what can you do to access talent? That’s where SHRM’s Total Rewards Specialty Credential comes in. Gain the knowledge and guidance in a way that fits your schedule and budget. Register now to gain credibility in creating a Total Rewards strategy and package to position your organization to attract and retain today’s top talent. Now more than ever, you need to inspire and reward workers to reach their full potential.


How to earn the SHRM Total Rewards Specialty Credential
When you purchase the SHRM Total Rewards Specialty Credential, your learning package includes all of the following components:
1.    Compensation and Benefits: Unlock the Power of Total Rewrads – select the live program that works best for you.

2.    Two Total Rewards eLearning courses – as your schedule allows, complete the two Total Rewards eLearning courses:
•    Optimizing Total Rewards Through External Vendors
•    Equitable Total Rewards

3.    Total Rewards Knowledge Assessment – once the instructor-led program and all eLearning courses are complete, successfully pass an online, Total Rewards knowledge assessment.
Upon completion of all components and passing assessment, you will earn 21 PDCs total along with your certificate of achievement and digital badge. Be sure to add your SHRM Specialty Credential achievement to your resume, signature block, and social media profiles to validate your credibility and demonstrate your dedication to the industry.
Instructor Led Program (in-person or live online)

Title: Compensation and Benefits: Unlock the Power of Total Rewards - 15 hours
Are you ready to unleash the power of the right total rewards plan? Do you understand all aspects of compensation, benefits and lifestyle rewards? Learn flexible ways to make your organization competitive at securing top talent by offering rewards strategically aligned to both employees’ needs and the organization’s priorities. The right blend will help solve organizational talent needs and enable employees to thrive – ultimately impacting the bottom line. In this program, you will gain the full breadth of total rewards to develop your unique strategy in the areas of compensation, benefits and experience.

Program Objectives:
•    Discuss what a total rewards program is, why it is important, who it impacts and what is included.
•    Evaluate the components of a compensation strategy and program for how they can be used to drive change.
•    Explore and evaluate a broader range of benefits that can be used to create a powerful total rewards plan.
•    Design an innovative total rewards package with the right combination of compensation and benefits to mutually benefit the organization and the employee.
•    Develop an effective total rewards communication strategy that attracts and engages your organization’s talent.


eLearning Components

Title: Optimizing Total Rewards Through External Vendors – 1 hour
This course will provide Total Rewards specialists and HR professionals guidance on finding the right compensation and benefits vendors for their organization, creating strong relationships with their vendors, and using their vendors to optimize their benefits programs.

Learning Objectives:
•    Enhance your Total Rewards package by identifying opportunities to leverage vendors to reduce cost and optimize efficiency.
•    Explore creative practices to compile a vendor candidate pool that fits with your culture and Total Rewards philosophy.
•    List the steps of the Total Rewards vendor selection process.
•    Negotiate contracts that position you for a win-win solution by addressing your specific requests and identifying red flags.
Title: Equitable Total Rewards – 1 hour
The goal of this eLearning course is to provide HR Professionals guidance on reviewing their rewards strategy by ensuring all employees are paid equitably and rewarded equally. By doing so, they can aim to increase efficiency, creativity, and productivity by helping attract the best employees, reduce turnover, and increase commitment to the organization.

Learning Objectives:
•    Analyze total rewards components and how they can contribute to an inclusive workplace culture.
•    Discuss bias and how to mitigate for it across total rewards.
•    Identify ways to mitigate pay inequities in compensation structure.
•    Apply recommended courses of action to reduce the inequities and bias across total rewards.


SHRM Total Rewards Specialty Credential

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