Offer Period:
The offer period started from Sunday, 29-1-1446 AH corresponding to 04-08-2024 AD, and ends by the end of Sunday, 07-02-1446 AH corresponding to 11-08-2024 AD.
Number of Offered Shares:
A total of 705,735 ordinary shares are offered, representing 15% of the company's capital after the offering, which accounts for 17.64% of the total capital of the company before the increase.
About Tharwah
Tharwah is a publicly listed Company founded in 2012, and it is first consulting company to be publicly listed in the parallel market (Nomo). Tharwah specializes in Management Consulting and providing Training and development services. Tharwah targets providing a positive and enduring impact for people, organizations, and communities by providing exceptional services with global standards delivered through deep local understanding.
Message from the CEO & Managing Director
يسرّني أن أعلن عن إنجاز هام في رحلة شركة ثروة بعد سنوات من التفاني والعمل الجاد والالتزام الراسخ بالتميز، نحن على أعتاب خطوة متميزة جديدة ألا وهي طرح أسهمنا للاكتتاب في سوق نمو.
تُجسّد هذه الخطوة ثقتنا بالله أولاً ثم بقوة نموذج عملنا، وكفاءة فريقنا، وفرص النمو الهائلة التي تنتظرنا في السوق مدعومةً برؤية 2030، من خلال التحوّل إلى شركة مدرجة في سوق نمو، وبذلك نهدف إلى تسريع وتيرة نمونا وتوسعنا، وتعزيز حضورنا في السوق الإقليمي، وإبراز التزامنا بأعلى معايير الحوكمة والالتزام.
نطمح في ثروة إلى أن نصبح مركزًا للخبرة في خدمات الاستشارات المهنية في المنطقة، ونقدم حلولًا رائدة تُقدّم وفقًا للمعايير العالمية من خلال فهم محلي أصيل. ونعتقد أننا من خلال ذلك لا نساهم في دعم عملائنا فحسب، بل نسهم أيضًا في إحداث تأثير إيجابي على المجتمع، وتظل مهمتنا ثابتة وهي تقديم خدمات مهنية متميزة لعملائنا، وتمكين قدراتهم، وخلق قيمة مستدامة لجميع أصحاب المصلحة.
وختامًا، أودّ أن أعرب عن امتناني لكلّ من ساهم في نجاحنا سواء كنت عميلًا أو موظفًا أو مستثمرًا أو شريكًا، فقد كان لدعمكم الأثر الكبير في تشكيل قصة نمونا.
تقبلوا وافر الشكر والتقدير،
عبدالله مرضي أحمد الزهراني
العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي
Our Success Journey
Tharwah HR Office (Sole Establishment)
Initially established as a sole proprietorship specialized in human capital consulting and development, Tharwah set its vision on empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential. Tharwah is committed to excellence and sustainable development, forming the foundation upon which all its subsequent steps are built.
Tharwah Limited Company
Tharwah Limited Company was established to enhance its ability to provide broader and more specialized services. This step was necessary to support rapid growth and meet the increasing demand for advanced human development services.
Establishing Tharwah High Institute for Training
By establishing a training institute, Tharwah expanded its offerings of educational and training programs that enhance individuals' skills, emphasizing its commitment to developing human capabilities as a core focus for the success of organizations.
Establishing Tharwah Consulting Company – Dubai Branch
Exploration of international markets began with the establishment of a branch in Dubai, reflecting Tharwah's commitment to spreading its expertise in empowering individuals and organizations across the GCC countries, while continuing to provide innovative and specialized solutions.
Partnership with Mira as an Investing Partner
Attracting strategic partners such as Mira Holding Co. underscores the strength and attractiveness of Tharwah's business model and solidifies its position as a leader in the field of human capital development, enhancing its ability to expand and innovate.
Establishing Tharwah Recruitment & ISNAD Co.
Establishing a recruitment specialist company supports Tharwah's mission to achieve optimal alignment between the requirements of organizations and the capabilities of individuals, thereby enhancing the human competencies needed for the success of organizations.
Tharwah Opens Cairo Branch
Opening of a branch in Cairo represents another strategic step to expand the range of services offered by Tharwah, focusing on the promising Egyptian market and its commitment to transferring its regional and international experiences.
Tharwah Becomes a Closed Joint-Stock Company
This transformation reflects Tharwah's growth and maturity in the market, enhancing its ability to attract new investments and expand its footprint in empowering and developing human capital on a broader scale.
Tharwah in Numbers (2023)
Revenue growth rate
Net profit growth rate
Gross profit margin
Net profit margin
150 M SAR
Sales (2022-2024)
Training Programs
Training Hours
Key Advantages of Tharwah
Compatibility with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030
Responding to the Saudization plan in the consulting sector
A credible and reliable local company
Various digital solutions, products and projects
Low capital
expansion plan
Continuous innovation and adoption of modern technologies
Utilization of Offering Proceeds
The net proceeds of the offering will be used to fund the company's expansion plan
Specialized Expansion including Consultancy and Training
Expansion in technological solutions and support for digital transformation projects
Working capital for the company's operational activities
Empowering Human Potential